Seduce Wife | How He Triggers Sexual Arousal In Women


"Another Way To
Get More Sex"

CR James | January 3, 2019 | Copyright 2019

I'm not a marriage counselor.

I'm actually a former electrical engineer with a fascination with how the brain works.

First of all, I don't believe that nonsense that you have to be a jerk to get women in the mood.

And at the same time, I don't think being a "romantic nice guy" works, too.

As a matter of fact, my wife used to tell me, "I'm sorry Baby...I'm not in the mood.... maybe if you were more romantic, I would want it more.... blah blah blah".

Long story short, I put it to the test and it didn't work.

On some level, it made her feel loved, so I'm not complaining.
However, making a woman feel loved is not the same as getting her to want sex.

You see, if you didn't know how to drive a car, showing the car love is not the same as learning how to make it go from Point A to Point B.

It wouldn't matter if you kissed the car every morning and washed it with a big smile on your face.

Those "acts of love" are not reasonable ways for learning how to drive the car.
If you want to go from Point A to Point B, you need to understand how the car operates.
And the same rules apply to women.

I will tell you the "one thing" that you need to do to get more sex.

Why should you listen to me?
Reason 1 - I have taught my method (for getting wives to crave sex) to thousands of men all over the world.

Reason 2 - Everything I teach is based on what I've done.
If you were trying to become rich, wouldn't you rather learn from someone who was once poor and then became rich - compared to - someone who was born rich.

In my case, my wife actually had a super low libido.
I actually know what it feels like to get constantly getting rejected.

In fact, I used to think:

"Does she have a bad sexual past?"

"Does she even care about my needs?"

"Was her ex better in bed?"

"Is she secretly a lesbian?"

My mind was all over the place.

Here's the one thing I did that lead
to more sex...

First of all, things were miserable.
I enjoy sex. You only live once. But I don't believe in cheating.
Even though the sex life was horrible, there was a particular night when she wanted it like crazy.
She was friggin' all over me!

She even had that naughty look in her eye.

She didn't take a libido pill that day.
I didn't clean the house.
I didn't buy her flowers.
I didn't pretend like I didn't care.

The reason why I'm saying this is because there are experts and regular people who think.
The ONLY way a woman will get aroused is to do chores. (NOT TRUE!)
The ONLY way a woman will get aroused is to do something romantic. (NOT TRUE!)
The ONLY way a woman will get aroused is to be a "badboy jerk". (NOT TRUE!)

Here's the reality. We had great steamy action and it was incredible!
Then it dawned on me and I asked myself a question...
"Ok Charles... What caused her to get THAT friggin' h#rny!"
Then it hit me like a load of bricks!
It wasn't rocket science.
It's something that YOU experienced.
It's something that MOST GUYS have experienced.
She got turned on
because of a few things I said that day that lead to her thinking a "Certain Way".
Isn't it crazy how you can say certain words and then suddenly your lady ends up having a certain emotional response.

After I realized that "our conversation" got her extremely h#rny, I did something I never did before.
And that is - after we were done having sex, I took notes.
In other words, I was basically like a "bad stand-up comedian" who told a "very rare" funny joke - where the audience is laughing their butts off...
Except this time, I decided to investigate why THAT JOKE was soooooo funny...
Make sense?
Do you know what I learned?
I learned that "sexual desire" DOES NOT happen randomly.
It's cause and effect.
If a husband wants his wife to laugh more per month, he should tell MORE funny jokes.
If a husband wants his wife to 'get aroused' more per month, he should send more "sex signals".

Let me put it very clearly...
When a woman isn't turned on, she WILL say stuff like:

"Sex isn't a big deal to me."
"I don't need sex that much."
"Sex isn't that important."
Does that sound familiar?
Ask me how I know.

When she's turned on, she's living by different rules!She'll initiate sex more often.
She'll be a little h#rny animal during sex.
She'll enjoy talking about sex.
It's like she's a different person.

I want to share with you my system for getting a woman turned on.
It's different.
That's because no other man (on Earth) has analyzed his wife's sexual arousal patterns for over 15 years.
You see - when I first started doing this, I never thought I would tell anyone about:

My Secret Sexual Experiments

At first, I assumed that "my list of sex signals" only work on my wife.
After all, I was only studying her.
However, I ended up being completely wrong about that.
In fact, guys all over the world are using "my list of sex signals" to get their wives in the mood more often. Guys from London, Japan, Mexico, Germany, China, Singapore, India, Kenya, Ireland, Brazil - just to name a few.
Here's the deal - I enjoy sharing my tips because I worked so hard to learn them.
The course is 15 years in the making because I'm sharing 15+ years of experiences, observations and secrets.

Oh yeah - I've even tried to make this course a fun read with a few jokes (but beware - most of the jokes are corny. Lol)

With that I said, I love to read emails from happy customers telling me that my course is "not like anything they've ever read."
With that said, let's read some REAL feedback from students of my course.

Read These Emails From
A Few of My
(They are 100% real. In fact, it's against the law to create fake testimonials.)

From: [SJ] <>
To: crjames100 @

Thanks for getting back with me. I understand that you must get hundreds of emails from men and women just like me who are turning their relationships around.

There are a few things I've been wanting to write about. I am a high school teacher so I know that if you are able to change lives (even 1 life) for the positive that the gratification you receive from knowing what you've done is immeasurable . So, I feel obligated to write you.

After 2 days of pulling my hair out and trying to figure out why she was an emotional wreck, she admitted to me that she realized our sexual problems we had been facing were because she loved me but wasn't physically attracted to me. I've never been hit with anything so hard in my life!
That brought me to you.

Failure in our marriage was no option .

Your website was the first that appeared and was like an oasis. I have read through your book several times and I can tell you that it became my "bible" if you will on correcting my marriage. I have realized that everything you talked about is/was brilliant.

Things are better sexually than ever before and neither of us continue to be frustrated with this matter.

I feel like a big percent of husbands go through this problem. Do you think this is a safe assumption?

Looking back, I know that we were on the road to catastrophe if this wouldn't have happened. It now seems that it is that best thing that could happen to us.

I will also tell you that I am a religious man who believes that this all happened for a reason.

I want to THANK YOU with the utmost sincerity and tell you that I don't want to think about where I (and my marriage) would be without your knowledge and taking the time to write it down.



Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited.
Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters.

"I think it is one of the best books on
seduction I've yet come across..."

"Dear Mr. James.

My name is [J Carty], I am one of your customers who bought your [ebook] yesterday. I think it is one of the best books on seduction I've yet come across, because it takes it to an advanced level!"
J Carty
Great Britain


Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited.
Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters.

"...she is wetter than any time I can remember, she is sooo Hot that I can't believe it..."

Hey CR,
Just wanted to say that I bought your e-book and couldn't wait to get through it, I am not sure that I have read everything but, that is ok I have the time to go over all of the downloads.
I am in the second reading of [the SSP course], I was looking for references to "that little arcade sound she will make" I believe that you mentioned it three times, I haven't completed the reread.
By the third day I can feel her tension, [a step by step process], she does initiate the action and when its time for me to roll her over and give her some relief, I hear "this little arcade sound"
and she has this enormous orgasm just as I am "about to" enter, she is wetter than any time I can remember, she is sooo Hot that I can't believe it, I deliver the "goods" and she is Cumming again and again, and I had figured that (erroneously) that she wasn't multi orgasmic, (30 years too late).
CR, what is the "little arcade sound"?
I am trying to recreate our most recent round of action with something even hotter, I am working on the different levels of communication, who knows what I will find, thanks.
Max - Ohio, USA


Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited.
Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters.

"We had hours of mind blowing sex
for the first time in years"

"I realized after purchasing and reading your work that I was literally creating an atmosphere that was driving my mate away from me. I figured that since we've been together for 18 years, I don't have to do anything special, she'll always be mine.
I realize now, after reading your works, that I have to create the atmosphere for better relations and sex. And boy do your techniques work!
It's beginning to feel like the first few months and years we were together.
In only (1) Week.
It's very hard as a man to admit that your thinking is flawed, that your doing everything wrong. Your work is really better than therapy or many of the books out there that I've read. This past week, I created enough sexual tension that ultimately lead to a sexual explosion !
We had hours of mind blowing sex for the first time in years this past weekend , and it's all because of your approach and techniques I used. Your philosophy behind your work is much deeper than just sex. It's a way of life.
You really have to work to have a great relationship.
Even if the other mate isn't aware what your doing or isn't actively participating, the changes you incorporate naturally rub off, and without them actually knowing it, the relationship begins to improve almost immediately !!! Awesome !!!!!!!!!
Thank you much.


Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited.
Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters.

You're Going To Wish
You Learned This Stuff
Years Ago!

"I've Tried Just A Bit Here And There
In The Last Few Days
And The Results Are Incredible!"

From: To: cr @ xxxxxxx


Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited.
Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters.

You're Going To Wish
You Learned This Stuff
Years Ago!

Here's a "single" guy who used my "get wife aroused" tactics
in the dating environment

From: JULIAN ****** <*****>
To: crjames100 @
Subject: RE: ****** - I made a terrible mistake
Hi CR James,
I have to admit the transformation in me was almost instant after reading
some of your e-books, especially [SSP]. It was like a revelation. I wish I got all this info 20 years ago.
It's funny, I went on a date with very attractive girl before I read your book and when I called her back next
day she said to me that I am a very nice guy but we can be only friends.
Next day, I bought your e-books and read some of them thoroughly in two
days. After that I invited her on a date again and applied all this stuff I
learned from your book. She became drawn to me, dropped her boyfriend and now I am her new boyfriend.
It was magic.
By the way, I live in US but I am originally from russia and for years had
this stupid idea to attract american girls which has never worked. I was
intentionally ignoring russian girls that live in US. I wasted so much time
on this stupid idea that I finally became total sissy after hundreds of
Your book completely snaped me out of "tranced" condition and I
am back to the younger confident myself. Now I have a policy though: no more
american girls and I will be dating only russian girls.
Thank you man!


Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited.
Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters.

Make average decisions = average results.
Make better decisions = better results.

And on top of that...
When you're getting "lots of great sex" on a regular basis...

Here's what you're about to learn...

You'll learn the 19 attraction triggers Page 14

You'll learn the 15 silent "creepy traits" that turn women off. Most guys are creeping women out without realizing it. Page 15

You'll learn the S-Combo Strategy which makes you 3x more attractive to women instantly. No one else is teaching this.

If You Want More "Passionate Sex"You Have Two Options

Option #1: Try to figure it out on your own.

Option #2: Find someone who has figured it out.
I will say...if you "try out my system today", then understand that I'm a real guy who cares about your success.

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Super Sex Power: The 18 Laws of Triggering
Sexual Arousal In Your Wife

The Super Sex Power (ebook).

One Time Payment | Lifetime Membership

* Limited time New Year's Sale (2019)


Instructor CR James,
Author: Super Sex Power

P.S. You have nothing to lose. If you don't like the course for any reason, you can get an instant refund.

In fact, we use Clickbank to process all orders. So you can just click a button inside of your email receipt to trigger an instant refund and I couldn't stop the refund if I wanted to.
How's that for confidence that this is a "unique system" that actually works.

P.P.S. Here's a recap of some of what you'll learn:

You'll learn the 19 attraction triggers Page 14

You'll learn the 15 silent "creepy traits" that turn women off. Most guys are creeping women out without realizing it. Page 15

You'll learn the S-Combo Strategy which makes you 3x more attractive to women instantly. No one else is teaching this.

One Time Payment | Lifetime Membership

Here Are Some **MORE** Emails From
Happy Customers...

His Three Day Seduction Diary

Here's my story for those who don't believe this works.
I never wrote a testimonial till now!
I'm single and was looking at seduction methods hoping to improve my chances of meeting more women as well as getting more sex. When you are 39 it doesn't happen often.
I decided to try your methods on my next date.
I only read the course once and was really HALF ASS applying your methods.
Date 1: I laid some easy ground work.
Date 2: She's more than interested she wants some but I decided to build more points just a little more to see what happens, well by....
Date 3: I was EMBARRASSED as we were in public.
She was all over me! much so that we had to leave 20 minutes into the date back to my place of course...
once in the door she's on the couch NAKED!

...and well you can guess the rest.
If I had video of this hot blonde basically trying to have sex in a public place would swear it was staged...
That's how crazy she was for me. I just wanted to say thank you CR James as it's been a long time since any woman has wanted me that bad...
and getting her so hot that she initiated everything was great for the both of us.
I'm gonna reread the course and study it more this time. It's almost scary but in a good way. BEST MONEY I EVER SPENT !!!!
Thank you, Jay

thanks for the kind words [Keith]!

i have to give you a testimonial "you are the man!" and I say that seriously because not every guy takes action like you did...

"She is actually starting to get aggressive with me sexually in bed at night!"

Thank you very much CR James!
Who would have ever figured out all the things I was doing wrong in my relationship with my wife!
I had become the ultimate "man of desperation"! I had actually lost a part of my own identity trying to constantly please my wife! The first time I finally [did something simple and powerful] she sat up and looked at me as if I was crazy for having said it!

Now she is starting to take notice of me...
Now she is constantly holding onto my arm or holding hands with me when walking out in public! You have to understand, we were destined for divorce within another six months until I started practicing your techniques.
What a turn around my wife has done!

She is actually starting to get aggressive with me sexually in bed at night!
She will strip down and then demand I come to bed naked too!
Then she starts to rub her naked body all over me, kissing me and telling me how much she loves me! I know I have a lot to learn still and I have to make sure I don't fall into any pitfalls, but if this is any indication of where we are going...
...then I had better hang on tight!
Thank you once again CR James without your techniques I doubt I would ever have enjoyed what my wife is giving me now! The proof is in the pudding! The attachment is just a little taste of my wife's dessert!

Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited.
Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters.Interesting Fact: This student actually sent me a 5.7 MB VIDEO attachment of his 'very aroused' wife performing [a certain sexual act] on him. Let's just say that caught me off guard. A note to "class of 2018" students: If you get your lady in a VERY affectionate mood...and she's being WILD and FUN in the secret bedroom... I do NOT need to see the "video proof"....a simple 'thanks' is all that's needed. :)

Hey man seriously you are an outstanding individual...
I'm not an ass kisser or anything but you are the coolest buisness man I've ever dealt with.
You answer quickly and really know what your talking about I'm actually trying to pursure a career in the internet field and I truly look up to you and how you conduct your buisness.
I've never met any so called guru of anything that has responded so quickly to a customer, it's unbelivevable..
You are a good guy and I hope to do buisness with you in the near
future and I will get every product you come out with as long as I have money! I thank you for all your help I honestly didn't expect nothing from you and you showed how much you are dedicated to helping others and that's more than I can say about any other guru.
Thanks!!! Well Sincerely

If a husband wants his wife to laugh more per month, he should tell MORE funny jokes.
If a husband wants his wife to 'get aroused' more per month, he should send more "sex signals".
What are you waiting for?
Let me share with you my list of sex signals that other guys have been privately using for years.
Some of my clients are: actors, CEO's, athletes, navy seals, etc.

Purchase The Book
Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved Instructor CR James
Any Questions? Email the author: [CRJAMES one-hundred AT]

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