New Social Skills – Discover the key skills of all popular and successful people in human history… |


 Discover the key skills of all popular and successful people in human history...


  Experience The Most Comprehensive Social Skills Video Course Ever!

To be successful and be the center of attraction for everyone, you need to be really good at social skills. Unfortunately, not everybody is amazing when it comes to connecting with other people. And because of this, not everyone is successful!

 Get ready to turn your life around and be the master of social connectivity.

  Discover the secrets of starting and acing any communication like a boss!   100% Practical Strategies That You Can Apply Right Now And Get Results Within Seconds!


Imagine learning the secrets of the best selling self-help books, top tier communication and speaking training, and the most amazing dating and seduction courses IN JUST ONE VIDEO COURSE.

Experience the only social skills course that helps you master all the vital skills you need to become an influencer and get a raving fandom within days; without any confusion or overwhelm. Everything is so simplified and smoothly put that you will feel your skills improving and your confidence growing as you learn.

YES! It is real, it is happening and transforming an uncountable number of lives EVERY SINGLE DAY – do not be the only one left out.

Master every social skill out there; learn everything from beginner to advanced level progressively and become the master of communication and seduction within days. This video course contains only premium quality content that is not available anywhere else.

Learn the key social skills that everyone needs to master. This video course is neutral so that it helps everyone. There are gender specific lessons as well for where drawing the line between men and women was inevitable. This video course works for everyone!

It is the only social skills course that you will ever need because it comes with a lifetime membership. Once you enroll in the program, you become a part of our community, and you will have unrestricted access to everything forever.

Keep learning and getting exciting new results. We are consistently renewing existing lessons and adding exciting new videos and resources to make this course one of a kind. You will always have unrestricted access to all new content, training, tips, and resources.

  Leverage your amazing social skills, experience a more confident and smarter you!


New Social Skills has 8 modules, and each module is divided into multiple chapters. Each chapter comes with related resources, worksheets, and action plan so that you develop applied skills as you progress. 

A clear guideline, tips, and tricks, and real-life examples on how to flirt with any people you find attractive.

Learn the techniques that will help you start a conversation with a complete stranger without feeling awkward.

Master the art of having a great conversation that leaves a great first impression.

An easy-to-follow guide on how to make your questions concise and understandable to the person you’re communicating with.

The video course that shows you how to become funny so you can be the most interesting person in the room.

Discover and learn all the necessary tips, tricks, and information that you need to influence anyone so you can make them follow anything you want them to do.

A straightforward guide that shows you how to attract men and be the ultimate magnet to men - even if you think yourself is less attractive than your extrovert friend.

A complete guide on how to approach and flirt with any woman you’re interested in.

Each chapter is so eloquently put that you will not have any difficulty understanding the contents even if you are completely new to learning social skills. As you go through the chapters and practice what you learn, you will feel a massive increase in your knowledge and confidence from start to finish.

Ideas will be flowing through your mind as if you are in a completely new realm of creativity. You will feel that learning new social skills comes naturally to you!


Most people don’t want to spend years reading books and try (with the risk of getting humiliated) to see if the stuff still works. Adding to that, how do you know if you are going in the right sequence?

Everyone wants results, and they want it fast! That’s why we have compiled this video course to give you one skill at a time and help you become good at it. That’s not all, because of our NO BS Policy, you will be acquiring skills that are proven to get you results.

Stop wasting time and energies on stuff that might work, do something that does.

The goal of this training program is to help you:


Take a lesson, try it and get results. This is what we claim about the training program. We are not leaving anything to your imagination and luck. What’s the benefit if you still have to figure out the hard part on your own even after taking the course. This isn’t happening here! 

Each module is designed to give you one key social skill, training you about every aspect of it, so that you aren’t stuck in ifs and buts. By the end of each module, you will feel confident that you can ace that part of social interaction like you could only previously imagine!

Stop imagining attraction, love, and success; get real, get it done.

Yes, you have 60-days to take this course and experience it phenomenal magic. You have a ton of time to dip into the amazing content, try the resources and become a social skills maestro.

However, if you feel you aren’t getting the incredible results or if the course isn’t providing the value promised, let us know, and we will process the refund right away. We are so sure that this course works that we are taking all the risk for you. Do we have a fair deal?

 Are you ready to make your life feel extraordinarily successful and powerful?


 Module 1 – How to Flirt 

If your answer to any of these questions was yes, then "How to Flirt" is definitely the guide you're looking for!

This course gives you clear guidelines, tips and tricks, and, most importantly, real-life examples on how to behave and deal with certain situations, all with the goal of giving you the knowledge that you can immediately implement in order to effectively flirt.

Flirting is a crucial form of communication with the person you're interested in. It shows your affection for them and sends an unambiguous message. Now, flirting is a delicate thing, and many people struggle trying to find the right way to communicate with the right person. Ultimately, a scary amount of people simply gives up and starts being more and more antisocial. Learning how to flirt (and how not to) is therefore key in preserving your social life, and your overall happiness.

Did you know that flirting is actually good for your health? Biologists discovered that people who flirt often have more white blood cells in their blood than people who don't flirt. White blood cells increase your immunity and ability to prevent various diseases. Also, did you know that, in most cases, you will need to look someone in the eyes at least three times before they understand that you're interested in them? These little factors that most people don't know are what determines whether you will be successful at flirting or not - and it's exactly what this course offers you.

What Makes This Course Different from Others in the Same Category?

There are lots of guides, either online or on paper, about flirting or dating, and, of course, there are some fundamental truths in all of those books that this course in particular doesn't avoid, since they're very important. But the thing that's most problematic with this topic is that every date is unique, and just learning a bunch of facts and theory without any idea how to implement it in real-life situations is useless. This course changes this style by adding a lot of in-depth analysis about specific situations. The situations are very detailed, and yet also very easily applicable to any similar real-life situations, making this the key difference that distinguishes this course in particular.

Here's What You'll Learn:

No matter, your age, sex or demographics, this course will be the perfect guide to fully understanding how to communicate, flirt and date better than ever before.

Once you get the hang of it, you'll be sharing the knowledge you gained form this course with others, just don't forget that it wasn't always that easy!

 Module 2 – How to Start a Conversation 

The new course "How to Start a Conversation" will solve all of these problems with it's easy to understand tips and tricks on how to start a conversation with a complete stranger!

This course provides clear and easily-understandable guidelines on how to approach strangers and start an actual conversation that will be engaging and that will show to the other person that you are an interesting and funny person. It has two main parts, the first, where the theoretical background and importance of first impressions is explained, and the second that consists of the seven steps you need to follow in order to make successful first conversations with different people.

The true first impression is actually made during the first 50 milliseconds from seeing someone, and that first impression will then guide how you approach that person. Of course, that first impression can be altered by wearing certain clothes or, for example, wearing glasses. But the most fundamental first impression that is crucial to be done right in order for any future conversations to exist, is the impression you make with the first couple of sentences you say. Therefore, knowing how to start a conversation appropriately is the most important social skill you can have.

What Makes This Course Different from Others in the Same Category?

As it usually is with guides on topics similar to this one, you can either find ones that are completely practical or completely theoretical - and neither is going to be very effective at teaching you. This guide stands up from the rest with its perfect balance. As I've mentioned, it combines the theoretical, medical and scientific background with the practical knowledge and steps you need to take, and it does this in such a well-structured and well-balanced way, that it can be understandable and intuitive to read to anyone

Here's What You'll Learn:

With this new knowledge, you are bound to make great success starting conversations with strangers, so don't miss out!

 Module 3 – How to Talk to People 

Don't worry, "How to Talk to People" is the guide that you need!

It will give you clear guidelines on how to approach people, how to start the conversation and, most importantly, how to lead it. With a bunch of examples, tips and tricks and theoretical background, this course is bound to give you all the necessary skills you need in order for your conversations to be fluid and flawless!

So far, most experts agree that there are three features of a great conversationalist - curiosity, sense of humor and impudence, which is to say that a little bit of healthy disagreement between the two sides can provide a plethora of talking material that will make for an engaging and interesting conversation. These three features are inherently there in almost everyone, but sometimes it can be a little tough to learn how to show them and utilize them the right way. This course does a great job at that, providing you with all the necessary information to learn how to keep the attention of the person you're talking with, as well as learn and adapt to his/her personality as the conversation goes on.

What Makes This Course Different from Others in the Same Category?

If I had to pick one feature that makes this course completely different from other, similar guides, I'd have to say that it's the power of compactness. The course is so information-packed and yet still perfectly clear and not confusing to even the biggest amateurs! A truly professionally taught and well-structured course that will take you on a true journey to becoming the best conversationalist ever.

Here's What You'll Learn:

Don't miss out on this perfect opportunity to become a great conversationalist!

 Module 4 – How to Ask Questions 

Do you have trouble or take a lot of time and effort to communicate and get the information you're interested in from the person you're talking to?

Do you often find yourself struggling to make your questions concise and understandable to the person you're communicating with?

If you found the above questions intriguing or well-made, learn how to ask similar, or completely new ones with this new awesome course - "How to Ask Questions"  is a guide that will take you on a journey that will benefit your communication and problem solving skills substantially!

Asking questions, and communicating in general, can sometimes seem very complex and hard to master. However, once you get the ropes of it, it becomes incredibly easy and natural. This course aims to show you that, as well as the way to master the art of asking the right questions at the right time.

Did you know that Pierre-Marc-Gaston, duke of Lévis, once said "It is easier to judge the mind of a man by his questions rather than his answers."? And there is, in fact, a lot of truth in that quote. Just remember how many times you've silently (or openly) judged someone for asking "stupid" or "obvious" questions. Or how many times you found someone to be really irritating because he/she can't formulate the questions he/she asks well, so they sound confusing and take a lot of effort and time to even understand, let alone answer. In order to avoid this, you should learn what questions to ask, how to ask them, and when they are the most appropriate.

What Makes This Course Different from Others in the Same Category?

Most of the guides on similar topics you can find online or on paper are too slow and tend to go into too much detail, without taking a break and looking at the wider picture. Their structure is usually that of a medical or psychological textbook - easy to understand and intuitive to those that are already adept in the area, but not to the average reader that just wants to learn how to ask questions.

Therefore, this guide in particular differentiates itself from the other, similar ones, by following a very intuitive and chronological structure, going from the preparation before the conversation, then over the different aspects of the conversation itself, finally concluding with what to expect once you've asked the questions you wanted.

Here's What You'll Learn:

With all this knowledge, you'll be shooting the right questions at the right time over and over again, and reap multiple benefits - not only will you get to the information you wanted, but you'll also appear as an eloquent, intelligent person, with high social skills.

 Module 5 – How to Be Funny 

Don't worry, there are plenty of people that have just the same issue as you do! Being funny really isn't an easy thing, but this guide "How to Be Funny" will make it so much easier you will start wondering why everyone can't stop laughing around you!

The course covers a total of 9 topics on how to master comedy and become funny to other people. It will teach you everything you need to know, from the most basic stuff to some advanced techniques, as well as tips on how to adapt in the future.

It's a scientifically proven fact that women are much more attracted to men with a good sense of humor - and this goes the other way around, too! That being said, it's crucial to have a good sense of humor in order to be attractive to the opposite sex, as well as be able to create a good atmosphere in any company. Unfortunately, some people don't have an inherently good sense of humor, but, good news is - you can learn how to be funny, and it's really easy! This guide does a great job at this, and in no time you'll find yourself slinging well-placed and funny jokes left and right!

What Makes This Course Different from Others in the Same Category?

Most courses that you can currently find address this problem by either giving you practically pre-made templates on how to make jokes, or just giving you a few examples of jokes that you can do. There is also the other end of this spectrum - there are guides that are completely theoretical, and in which you can get lost for hours without getting any idea on how to implement all that information. This guide finds the optimal ratio of these two aspects, and gives you just enough background knowledge and information, as well as providing you with tips and tricks to make your practical implementations effortless.

Here's What You'll Learn:

Being funny has never been easier - make sure to make the most out of the opportunities that this course will provide, because there will be a lot of them!

 Module 6 – How to Influence People 

You definitely shouldn't despair, because this new amazing course "How to Influence People" will provide you with all the necessary tips, tricks and information that you need to start being a true Loki in any social interaction!

Apart from the more trivial and everyday applications, being able to influence others effectively is crucial in many professions. If you have a dream job that you never applied to because it requires some of the skills mentioned in the title of this course, you should revise your decision, because the techniques and mechanics that this course provides will be more than enough to pass any interview for a job that is reliant on this skillset.

Did you know that the easiest way to spot a manipulator is if he/she tries to deter you from investigating other points of view, usually by providing false information that is supposed to make you hate the people that represent the other perspectives? Sometimes, this can be so obvious that even a complete amateur can figure out if you're trying to manipulate him. Therefore, it is a good idea to avoid this approach, because it's an easy sign that tells you're a manipulator. This, along with many other similar and equally useful information, can be found in this guide, and they can make you a true smooth talker that can influence and manipulate people without an issue.

What Makes This Course Different from Others in the Same Category?

Firstly, manipulation is sometimes presented as something bad which is, of course, not true, but it nevertheless means that there is a relatively small amount of guides on how to manipulate people online or in other books and literature. The pieces of information and some tips that can be found are usually not worth anything if they aren't presented as a whole concise and consolidated package - which is exactly what this guide is. It's intuitive structure and the plethora of information that you can get make it a notch above everyone else, so you should definitely check it out.

Here's What You'll Learn:

This course truly is a journey, and it will take you from step one, where you have no experience or previous knowledge, and guide you, step by step, until you can become able to manipulate, influence and guide people into doing things that you want!

 Module 7 – How to Attract Men 

The new course, "How to Attract Men" has more than enough information to set you on the right track to becoming the ultimate magnet for men!

This guide gives you clear and well-structured guidelines on how to seduce and pick up men, as well as giving very interesting insight as to what men truly want to see, hear and feel, on many levels, starting from the most obvious things, and going all the way to the most primordial feelings and attractions.

Did you know that hearing emotional and deep statements, such as "I love you" evokes more emotion when whispered in the left ear rather than in the right? It's a difference of only 6.5%, but it can make a world of difference when utilized correctly. These subtle hints and pieces of information are what differentiates a successful flirt from an unsuccessful one. Furthermore, it is known that a female will get a higher pitched voice when speaking around the person she's attracted to - and many men know this too, so you can use that as a way of conveying your interest in a man. You can learn this, and many other useful tips and tricks, in this course that is key to making you the perfect flirt that will simply be irresistible to all men.

What Makes This Course Different from Others in the Same Category?

Men can sometimes appear like an unexpected mystery, and that sensation can be overwhelming if you've failed to attract them a couple of times. This is actually very common, and that's why you can come across many similar guides online or in your local library. However, this course in particular goes a few steps further than your average guide. First of all, it doesn't concern itself with too many technical terms or scientific theory - it's not a psychology textbook. And yet it still manages to incorporate all of that scientific information into the foundation of what it teaches, while still making it readable to the average person, which is absolutely amazing. The chapters follow a clear and chronological order, and each is divided into subchapters in the same manner. You'll find the experience of going through this course, unlike many others, refreshing and inspiring.

Here's What You'll Learn:

Once you've reached the end of your journey through this course, you'll be able to mesmerize and attract men's hearts, one after another. Don't forget to sometimes stop and revise what you've learned with your new, positive experience!

 Module 8 – How to Attract Women 

You should feel happy to know that all these problems are just in your head. And you can learn how to fix them completely, by following the steps given in this amazing course, "How to Attract Women"!

This guide completely demystifies women and gives you clear guidelines on how to approach them, flirt with them and keep them interested successfully. It also gives you directly applicable practical knowledge, as well as the theoretical background you need in order to better understand women.

Women can sometimes appear to be a complete mystery and the unknown lands. Their reactions can sometimes be surprising and maybe not completely logical to everyone. For example, women become less attracted to masculine men when on birth control pills, because of the affected hormone levels. If you're a little chubby, like a lot of us are, knowing that piece of information can make all the difference in the world. Luckily, this course does a great job at giving you all the relevant information that you can combine and use immediately when communicating with women.

What Makes This Course Different from Others in the Same Category?

As I've mentioned, the art of attracting women is truly a subtle one, and most guides you can find tend to become too ephemeral and theoretical, only giving you vague descriptions of events and scenarios or giving you a bunch of information without showing you how to actually use it. On the other hand, this guide will give you all the same information, but it will start from scratch and then show you how to use the information it provides you with, building from the bottom to where most guides are standing now. You'll feel like the book was really tailored especially for you, and that will make your flirting endeavors that much easier.

Here's What You'll Learn:

It doesn't matter just how awkward or boring you were before - this guide will show you exactly how to stop being like that and actually become attractive to women of your choice, step by step.

Stop worrying and sulking alone, it's time to get into the action!


How long will it take me to access the course contents?

Not more than a few minutes. Once your payment is received and acknowledged by our automated registration system, you will receive an email with your login details. Log in and start learning.

What is the duration of this training program?

It is a completely online course where you are in control of how you learn. However, we suggest doing one module a week, consuming the content and applying what you learn in real life and experience the results.

What if I need help in any of the modules, do you offer professional support?

Yes, we have a dedicated support and services section to help you with anything you may need. Contact us with all your questions, and we will get back to you ASAP.

I am a business owner, will this course help me?

ABSOLUTELY YES! We have designed this course to give you all the vital skills you need to become an expert level communications guru. It will help you grow your personal and professional life.


To be successful, you need to be able to connect with others. You need to be social; you have to be amazing with people. However, most people don’t connect that well with others, and this can be happening to you as well.

This video course is designed to give you everything, all the skills you need to be amazing with people. Top that with not-found-anywhere tips and social connectivity hacks, you are in for a power boost of a lifetime.

Be the social superstar, get the fan following that others can just wish for.

 Enroll in the course now and supercharge your social life within days!

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